I. OFFICE FOR HUMAN RESEARCH PROTECTIONS - http://www.hhs.gov/ohrp/ Office for Human Research Protections - 1101 Wootton Parkway, Suite 200 - Rockville, MD 20852 Tollfree - Within the United States (866) 447-4777 Telephone (240) 453-6900 Fax (240) 453-6909
Department of Health and Human Services Code of Federal Regulations Title 45 - Public Welfare Part 46 - Protection of Human Subjects Revised 1/15/09 Effective 7/14/09 Subject A - Basic HHS Policy for Protection of Human Research Subjects (i) Minimal Risk - means that the probability and magnitude of harm or discomfort anticipated in the research are not greater in and of themselves than those ordinarily encountered in daily life or during the performance of routine physical or psychological examinations for test. (go to this website and read all of this info. to find out if the people administering the torture, electromagnetic torture so extreme your hair comes out in your hands, making you fall down by attacking your brain & neurological system, attacking your heart, attacking your breathing, causing extreme pain to any part of your body, making you black out, making you feel hyper or extremely exhausted, destroying computers-fax machines-radios-clocks-tvs-washer- dryer-treadmill-electric igniter switch on heater, overheating your body or making you freeze, attacking your pets, attacking your family, using projected sound your home and car (pipes rattling, man talking, crickets chirping, bombs and horns, etc.), destroying your property, business, jobs, sexually stimulating you, watching you in your bathroom and bedroom, turning lights off and on in your home, attacking you at church-work-unemployment office- grocery and everywhere you go, making you hear voices, making you see holograms, tracking you with drone satellites and cameras, touching you, gang stalking, intercepting your bank account, intercepting mail and emails, putting illegal tele lines in your business and then making you pay the bill, intercepting and rerouting telephone calls, denying you access to public offices and/or assistance, denying you the right to pay your taxes on your home because they want to try to take it (see page entitleed, "Officials direct quotes," on this website), coming in your home when you are not there, destroying reputation, changing birth certificates, making death threats (see page entitled, "Death Threats,"on this website) giving all other candidate coverage but refusing you media coverage when you are running for public office (see page entitled, "Mayoral Race Sabotage,"on this website)etc. (just to name a few) with all of it happening simultaneously, are the perps/perverts truly in compliance.
Click on the Staff page on this website for several email addresses: Jerry Menikoff, Director, Tele: (240) 453-6900 Email: Jerry.menikoff@hhs.gov Melody Lin, Deputy Director, Tele: (240) 453-8126 Email: Melody.lin@hhs.gov Michael Carome, Associate Director - Regulatory Affairs, Tele: (240) 453-8237 Kristina Borror, Director of Compliance Oversight, Tele: (240) 453-8132 Email: kristina.borror@hhs.gov Other Email Addresses: ohrp@osophs.dhhs.gov and ohrp@hhs.gov
Some pages on their Website include: Withdrawal of Subjects from Research, Conflicts of Interest, Public Outreach, Assurances, Frequently asked questions, Research involving Prisoners, Research involving Children, etc. There is lot's of information. For victims of electromagnetic assaults there is a thin line regarding some of the criteria to file with this office, and I plan to get mine on file, even if it is just for a paper trail.
II. INTERNET CRIME COMPLAINT CENTER - www.IC3.gov Receives Internet related criminal complaints, and then researches, develops and refers the criminal complaints to law enforcement agencies for investigation. They have a complaint form on their website which you may complete, once it is reviewed, they will email you a complaint number.
III. OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL: http://www.usdoj.gov Individuals who believe that a Department of Justice employee or contractor has violated their civil rights or civil liberties may contact the OIG by mail: Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Complaints - Office of the Inspector General U.S. Department of Justice - 950 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W. - Room 4706 Washington, DC 20530 Email: inspector.general@usdoj.gov Online Reporting Form is also on their website Hotline: (800) 869-4499 Hotline Fax: (202) 616-9898 There are also numerous other complaints that can be filed (i.e, Housing Discrimination, Complaints Against Institutions, Employment Discrimination, Waste Fraud Abuse and Misconduct, Americans with Disabilities Act Complaints & many others. (go to the website for further info.)
IV. FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION: www.fcc.gov 445 12th Street, SW - Washington, DC 20554 Email: fccinfo@fcc.gov Phone: 1-888-call-fcc (1-888-215-5322) Regulates Interstate and International Communications by Radio, Television, Wire, Satellite and Cable
V. OFFICE OF THE UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS (OHCHR) Website: www.ohchr.org Office of the United Nations High Commisioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) Palais Wilson - 52 Rue des Paquis - CH - 1201 Geneva, Switzerland Postal Address: Palais des Nations - CH - 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland Civil Society Unit - Tele: +41 22 917 9656 Email: civilsocietyunit@ohchr.org General Inquiries - Tele: +41 22 917 9220 Email: infodesk@ohchr.org Represents the worlds commitment to promote and protect human rights
VI. UNIVERSAL PERIODIC REVIEW (UPR): http://www.upr-info.org It is state driven, but also takes NGO (non governmental organizations) submissions., for more info. see their NGO videos, pages and links on their website (i.e., ngos.wmv and role_of_ngos.wmv, etc.) They also have webcasts of their UPR sessions The Universal Periodic Review was created through the UN General Assembly on March 15, 2006 by Resolution 60/251 which established the Human Rights Council itself. The ultimate aim is to improve Human Rights in "All" countries and address Human Rights where ever they occur. My country, "the United States," is a member, therefore any abuses may be reviewed.
VII. THE INTER-AMERICAN COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS (IACHR) www.iachr.org Defends Human Rights Address: 1889 F Street, N.W. - Washington DC - 20006 - U.S.A. Tele: (202) 458-6002 Fax: (202) 458-3992 Click on how to present a petition (see manual on their website for states that have ratified the American Convention). You may also download their manual and petition/form that you may use to file your complaint. see Organization of American States
VIII. ORGANIZATION OF AMERICAN STATES (OAS) www.oas.org Comprised of 7 (seven) members nominated by the states and elected by the OAS. One of the functions is to address complaints or petitions received from individuals, groups of individuals or organizations that alledge Human Rights Violations committed in OAS Member Countries. Where alledging violations of the American Convention you must make sure that the state that committed the violations has ratified the convention and is therefore bound by it. The United States is a member but we have not ratified the American Convention Petitions can be sent by mail to: Inter-Americans Commission on Human Rights Organization of American States 1889 F Street, N.W. - Washington DC 20006 - United States Fax: (202) 458-3992 Email: cidhoea@oas.org
IX. THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT - http://www.icc-cpi.int The ICC is based on a treaty joined by 113 countries. As of 8/18/2010 113 countries are states parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. The United States is not a party to the Rome Statute. The ICC is an independent permanent court that tries persons accused of the most serious crimes of international concerns, namely genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes.
Who Can Initiate a Claim State Party, Prosecutor, United National Security Council
M.P. Dillion - Head of the Informaton & Evidence Unit, Office of the Prosecutor The International Criminal Court - Post Office Box 19519, 2500 CM The Hague, The Netherlands Tel: 31-70-5158515 Fax: 31-70-5158555 Email: OTP.InformationDesk,jelena.vukasinovic,otpinformationdesk,
X. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY - http://www.dhs.gov DHS Secretary, Janet Nopolitano
Hotline Information Report Fraud, Waste or Abuse and Whistleblower issues Email the Office of Inspector General at: dhsoighotline@dhs.gov
Write to: DHS, Office of the Inspector General/Mail Stop 2600 - Attention: Office of Investigations Hotline 245 Murray Drive, SW, Building 410, Washington, DC 20528
Fax the Complaint: (202) 254-4292 Call the OIG (Please note that this number is ussed to make a report only) 1-800-323-8603
Citizen Line Operator Number (202) 282-8000 Comment Line (202) 282-8495
Mailing Address for Janet Nopolitano Janet Nopolitano, DHS Secretary Dept. of Homeland Security, U.S. Dept of Homeland Security, Washington, DC 20528
XI. HUMAN RIGHT'S WATCH http://www.hrw.org An independent organization dedicated to defending and protecting human rights. They challenge governments and those who hold power to end abusive practices and respect international human right laws. They have been in existence for thirty (30) years.
They are global and have many offices listed on their website: Toronto, Washington, New York, London, Geneva, Johannasburg, Tokyo, just to name a few. Mail Human Rights Watch - 350 Fifth Avenue - 34th Floor - New York, NY 10118-3299 USA Fax: 1-212-736-1300 Tele: 1-212-290-4700
XII. THE WHITEHOUSE, PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA - http://www.whitehouse.gov Click "Contact" and there is a form for questions, comments and concerns Tele: Comment Line: (202) 456-1111 Switchboard: (202) 456-1414 Fax: (202) 456-2461