I just wanted to give you an update regarding the corruption that I have endured in Louisville, Kentucky. On October 1, 2014, I filed a Notice of Appeal to Jefferson Circuit Court regarding the case that you have beeen watching on You Tube and on my website www.justiceforallcitizens.com entitled, "Police Miss Court." As you know my original court case number in District Court is
12-F007230, Style of Case "Commonwealth vs. Connie Marshall." This case will be assigned a new number in Jefferson Circuit Court.
I also filed a Federal Lawsuit in Circuit Court which was transferred to Federal. It is filed in the United States District Court, Western District of Kentucky and it is Civil Action No. 3:13:CV-802-H and it is styled Connie Marshall vs. Mike O'Connell, et al (and others).
I also filed a Title II Complaint with Americans with Disabilities in Washington, due to the fact that I do receive disability for frequency devices and neurological problems and I did not see a psychologist or psychiatrist for my disability, though numerous derogatory statements were made to me on several court dates by Judge Sean Delahany regarding my disability.
I also filed a Judicial Conduct Commission Complaint against Judge Sean Delahanty which involves several judicial misconduct violations. Also other complaints are being processed regarding this conspiracy and corruption that I have experienced in Louisville, Kentucky. In closing, thank you for your support. Please continue to pray for me and my family and I will also pray for you, and tell everyone about this corruption. I do fear for my life due to the high degree of corruption. I will keep you posted.
(Note: The lighting in the below video is fluctuating due to the electrical frequencies aimed at my home)
September 25, 2014
Police Miss Court 23 Times - Part 17 of 18
New Competency Hearing was
Originally Scheduled for August 14, 2014
The new Competency Hearing was held today, September 25, 2014
Dr. Wagner stated that I was Competent to stand trial and that
I passed the competency test. I am being told l
that I am delusional because I am stating that I am being
terrorized by the Louisville Metro Police Dept. I have filed
sixteen (16) death threats from the Louisville Metro Police in
this case. I have filed audios, videos and pictures of them
terrorizing me at my home. I have also filed the medical
reports regarding me being stomped by them, in which I
incurred a mildly enlarged heart, chest contusion, compressed
vertebrae and numerous other injuries. My witnesses were
not allowed to speak eventhough they were served bya sheriff,
I was forced twice to use a Public Defender though I did not
qualify for one, there is not RCr 2.02 (Criminal Complaint)
filed in the case, the police have never shown up even
when subpoenaed by the court, a Fabricated defamatory document
bearing the fax number of the Prosecutor's Office was placed in my case,
I have been going to court with nothing happening from June 2012 through
September 2014, etc. The case was dismissed and I was told that I
was incompetent to stand trial, eventhough Dr. Wagner states that
I am compentent at 39:07 on the video and he states that I passed the
competency test. He also states this at 25:05 on the video. My disability
which is stated by Social Security on my paperwork is frequency
devices and neurological problems and once again in court
I was mocked by the judge (39.50 on the video) for having a
disabilty that he is not familiar with.
I have filed an Appeal & a Civil Federal Lawsuit.
July 24, 2014 Police Miss Court 22 Times - Part 16 of 18 New Competency Hearing Scheduled August 14, 2014
A new Competency Hearing has been scheduled for August 14, 2014 regarding the Psychologist that I hired who stated I am competent and there is NO PSYCHOSIS. Of course, there never was, however I was previously forced to go to a court appointed psychologist for no reason. If you look at my videos of the court appearances I continuously ask why I was being sent to a psychologist and was not given a reason. Further, if you look at the videos No Psychosis was ever displayed by me and I do not have a history of any psychological problems. For more information go to my website http://www.justiceforallcitizens.com I was able to get the information on the record regarding the fabricated document that was placed in my case and given to the court appointed psychologist by the prosecutors office. I have read the statute/law and placing a fabricated document in someones case is a Class D Felony. Again, the document had the prosecutors fax number on it and anytime you send a fax it has the fax number of the person that sent the fax on the document. I do talk about this close to the end of this video. ***********************************************
July 10, 2014 Police Miss Court 21 Times - Part 15 of 18 Independent Psychologist states I have NO PSYCHOSIS and I am COMPETENT TO STAND TRIAL
I hired an Independent Psychologist who stated after I visited him three (3) times that I have No Psychosis & that I am Competent to Stand Trial. I have not been medicated are placed in a Psychiatric Facility, as I have never had any psychological problems. The court did not give a reason for me to be court ordered/forced to visit court appointed Dr. Meg Smedley, whom I only visted one (1) time. I filed a "2nd Motion To Dismiss This Case With Prejudice Due to Violation of 524.100 1 (a)(b) 2 Tampering with Physical Evidence, however the judge refused to even allow me to read it. Attached to the Motion was Exhibit 21, 22, & 23. Exhibit 21 was the fabricated doc placed in my case by the prosecutors. Exhibit 22 & 23 was a letter & envelope of a person stating he did not know me but someone at the court house was trying to get him to sign an Affidavit stating that I was violently mentally ill. Also attached was exhibit 27 which is a recent case Judge Delahanty (the judge on my case) filed against the Prosecutor's Office stating that they defamed him entitled, "Judge Alleges Slander in Road-Rage Case," http://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/local/2014/06/26/judge-alleges-slander-road-rage-case/11404273/ Also attached was Exhibit 28 which is a recent case re: Dejuan Hammond in which his attorney states that the prosecution hid evidence that would help him entitled, "Dejuan Hammond Murder Trial To Move Forward," http://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/crime/2014/07/18/dejuan-hammond-murder-trial-move-forward/12854081/ Both cases are on line (internet). I terminated my attorney, Casey McCall because he would not present the fabricated evidence placed in my case by the prosecutors office, nor would he present the sixteen (16) Death Threats and other evidence I sent to him proving I am being terrorized and threatened by the Louisville Metro Police Dept. My case is now in 302 because the judges rotate and Judge Sean Delahanty took my case with him when he was rotated to Courtroom 302 of Jefferson County District Court. My case # is 12-F007230.
April 23, 2014 Police Miss Court 20 Times - Part 14 of 18 Case is being Continued Again
The case is being continued because I am now being made to go to therapy/counseling sessions with a psychologist. On the last court date I filed a "Motion to Dismiss this case with Prejudice due to Violation of 524.100 1 (a)(b) 2 Tampering with Physical Evidence". A fabricated derogatory fax was placed in the file sent to the prosecutors office and given to the first psychologist, Dr. Smedley (who was appointed by the court). Mysteriously enough the prosecutors fax number was on the document and any time you send a fax it has the fax number of the person that sent the fax on the faxed document. You will find that fabricated document on my website on the page entitled, "Death Threats", just scroll down on that page.
February 25, 2014 Police Miss Court 19 Times - Part 13 of 18 Connie Marshall being Forced into Counseling
Though I have no history of any psychological problems, due to the fact that I will not plead guilty or take a plea, I am now being forced to see a psychologist, though I have not been given a reason. I went to see another psychologist and again passsed all test. I am now being told that I have to go to therapy/counseling with the psychologist. I also obtained a 2nd consultation which was also in my favor. I have now filed a complaint with the USDOJ. I have received fourteen (14) emailed death threats from the police threatening me and my family. These emailed death threats are on my website on the page entititled, "Death Threats."
February 4, 2014 There is No Court Record for this date, as the Judge starts the Video Recording and the Media Room states that the Judge did not start the recording the morning of February 4, 2014. This is the 2nd time that I have attempted to retreive a court date appearance that was not recorded. On April 9, 2013, I could not appeal a decision because the Judge did not Record the proceedings. (our courts do not have stenographers in the court room, therefore the video record is the only record that we have)
I received a telephone call from the Public Defender stating that I would not need to be committed until KCPC had a bed available, which may be approximately 3 weeks & that I needed to show up for court on Feb. 4, 2014, so that he could relay this info to the judge. My Next Court Date is February 25, 2014 Update: I now have a Private Attorney I have also filed a complaint regarding what I am experiencing with the Inter American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) in Washington, DC, and my Case Number is P-1431-13 and the Precautionary Case Number is MC-329-13, I also have a complaint filed with the United Nations in Geneva Switzerland re: this and other issues. I am praying that I will receive assistance from them.
February 3, 2014 Police Miss Court 18 Times - Part 12 of 18 Connie Marshall Handcuffed to be Illegally Committed
After Illegal Psychological eval, I was handcuffed to be committed to KCPC (Psychiatric Hospital for Criminals) for 60 days. I was not allowed testimony from my subpoenaed witnesses & not allowed to subpoena the neighbors re: the fraudulent letter placed in my file that the Prosecutor stated was sent to them anonymously from my neighbors. I know that the Fraudulent derogatory letter was not sent by my neighbors Note:You will find the letter on this page. It was supposedly faxed to the County Attorney's Ofc. However, at the top of the letter it has the County Atty.'s fax number (502) 574-5366. Note: When you send a fax, the number on the fax is the person's fax number that the fax was sent from??? (for instance if I telephoned you, it would be my tele number that would be in your telephone, which is also how a fax machine operates). **********************************************************
JANUARY 27, 2014 - Part 11 of 18
(1 of 3) Psychological Evaluation Police Miss Court 17 Times I have now been to court 17 (seventeen) times. with no hearings. Forced Psychological Evaluation scheduled today. I have No History of any Psychological problems.
January 27, 2014 - Part 11 of 18
(2of 3) Psychological Evaluation Below is the AllegedLetter fromNeighbors of 23rd Street(which is my neighborhood and the Accompanying Video
I do not feel that this letter is from my Neighbors, but has been fabricated by a corrupt official or someone working with them.I have never walked up and down the street spitting on carsand I have never threatened to harm my neighbors, the policeor myself. I also have never carried signs on my street, but I have protested with signs downtown in front of the police station, which is not near my home. Suspect is the fact that the letter lines up perfectly with with Commonwealths margins on the Court documentssent to me. Suspect is that the date on the letter lines up perfectly where a person typing a court document would type the Party's title, (Planitff orDefendant) which is typed the far right hand side of the document. Peoplethat write or type letters do not put the date all the way over to the farright hand side of the document. Suspect is the fact that the County Atty'sOffice state it was faxed to them, but they don't know where it came from andit has no signature, yet the County Atty's office sent it to Dr. Smedley. The document has the County Attorney's fax number at the top of the page, which is (502) 574-5366, however you cannot see it well on the copy that I am posting with this video. The time at the top of the document is 2:45 and the date of the fax is June 5, 2013. At the bottom of the fax is my home address in someone's handwriting, however I covered it up with a piece of paper since I am posting this document. There is also something at the bottom of the fax, such as fax info. that has been cut off.
January 27, 2014 - Part 11 of 18 (3 of 3) Corrupt Psychological Evaluation
Though I subpoenaed three witnesses, and two were present my witnesses were not allowed to speak Watch the entire video. The Prosecutor speaks first. The Court appointed Attorney speaks 2nd and I speak last and present my evidence. At the end of the hearing the judge seems to realize how outrageous and criminal this set up is.
Police Miss Court even when Subpoenaed November 7, 2013 Part 9 of 18 - Still No Hearings The Psychological Evaluation was fraudulent. A competency hearing will be held on Dec. 4, 2013. I have filed a complaint with the United Nations and I have also asked for Precautionary Measures due to the fact that I fear for mylife. The police threatened to kill me and my daughter if I did not plead guilty. I was then told by a previous attorney that I could plea bargain and I stated NO. Now they are thring to meke me look as if I am mentally incompetent. They are looking for a way to dispose of the case without having to expose the corrupt acts of the police and the fact that this case should have been dismissed as the police have never shown up and there is No Criminal Complaint filed RCr 2.02 filed in the case. Also, for the record "I am NOT GUILTY." Most recently after getting a copy of the Case History and the subpoena, I found out that the Officer involved - Brandon Hogan - was subpoenaed to come to court on November 7, 2013, however as you can see on the court video he did not show up, and the judge, the prosecutor and the court appointed attorney did not even mention Police Officer Brandon Hogan is not in court even when subpoenaed. I will not plead guilty, I will not take a plea and I will not plead mentally incompetent to cover up for the Louisville Metro Police.
Oct. 16, 2013 - Part 8 of 18 Police Miss Court - Forced Psychological Eval. I have now been to court 15 from from June 2012 through present date November 7, 2013. The police have note showed up for court and there have been no hearings. Though I have no history of any psychological problems I am now being forced to have a psychological evaluation. I have now filed complaints with the Inter American Commission for Human Rights requesting Precautionary Measures and I have also filed a complaint with the United Nations.
September 26, 2012 Part 7 of 18 Police Miss Court - No Hearings I have now been coming to court for 1 year & 4 months & there is no criminal complaint filed in thecase and police no show. Though I do not & never have had any psychological problems the judge is now requiring that I see a court appointed psychologist. I have not been given a reason for having to see a psychologist. Due to the corruption & death threats that I have received from the police, I have filed a complaint with the IACHR (Inter American Commission for Human Rights) asking for Precautionary Measures. I have also filed a complaint with the United Nations. ***************************************
July 18, 2013 - Part 6 of 14 Louisville Metro Police No Show For Court 12 Times I am receiving Death Threats From the Police Case # 12F007230 - Judge Delahanty, District Court HJ -204 Louisville Metro Police miss court 12 times. I have received Death Threats demanding that I plead guilty or my daughter and I will be killed. The Judge denies my Speedy Trial Motion, as he has all of my motions. There are several violations of Administrative Procedures and Judicial Conduct Procedures. You will find the Death Threats on my home page of my website.
Brief Synopsis of Part 5 - May 23, 2013
Judge admits part of the record is missing, therefore I could not file an appeal regarding proceedings on April 9, 2013. He further states that he did not start the video tape. They do not have court reporters so there is no paper copy of the proceedings. The judge also states the Citation is the Criminal Complaint, though RCr 2.02 states otherwise. I have now been to court ten (10) times. The Police have not shown up for court & other violations have occurred.
Judicial Conduct Complaint Exhibit A - RCr 2.02 Exhibit B - Social Security Doc. Exhbit C - Let. from Ofc. of Jef. Cty Ct. Exhibit D - CR 98; 3:02; 3:03 Re: Videos Exhbit E - Judical Conduct Form
****************************************** SEE CASE HISTORY BELOW
Louisville Metro Police - Part 1 of 18 "No Show" for Court Six (6) Times Case # 12-F-007230, Div. HJ-204 - Judge Sean Delahanty (Note: 4 of the Six (6) No Shows are on this video)
After the False Arrest and Stomping of Connie Marshall, the Louisville Metro Police are a "No Show" for Court Six (6) Times. Why hasn't this case been Disimissed? The Louisville Metro Police were not present for Court on the Following Days, The Arraignment - June 29, 2012 & Probable Cause Hearings - consistently rescheduled July 9, 2012, July 26, 2012, Sept.14, 2012, Nov.14, 2012, & Jan. 29, 2013. I continue to be tormented and harassed by them which started in 2005 before the Incident on June 24, 2012 & continues to present date 2013. I have consistently ask Officials in my town for assistance and have been denied assistance regarding the Louisville Metro Police. See pages on this website, entitled, "Officials Denying Assistance," "Officials Direct Quotes," "Police Reports, etc. On November 14, 2012 I again asked my Attorney where the police were and was told they were upstairs, however I have never seen the police at the courthouse or in the courtroom. I Do Fear for My Life due to the high degree of Corruption, Racism & Nepotism in my town. (see page entitled, "Is this Nepotism?)
Louisville Metro Police - Part 2 of 18 "No Show" for Court 6 Times January 29, 2013 Div. HJ-204 Case # 12-F-007230
Louisville Metro Police No Show Again for court I have been to court 6 times.
Part 3 of 18
Louisville Metro Police No Show
March 22, 2013
Hearing 1 on Left
Hearing 2 on Right
Louisville Metro Police - Part 3 of 18 (Videos Above) "No Show" for Court 7 Times March 22, 2013 Hearing 1 on the Left and Hearing 2 on the Right
On this date, I Fired my Attorney. My Attorney is stating that the Commonwealth of Kentucky (Plaintiffs on the side of the Police) want him to have me to see a Psychiatrist for an evaluation and this is the first that I have heard of this. I have No History of any psychiatric or psychological problems and I percieve this to be an attempt at cover-up. You will notice on Part 3 - hrg 1 that when my attorney starts talking about sending me to KCPC (which is a Psychiatric Correctional Facility) the audio on the video suddenly goes very low making the audio hard to hear and then comes back. It does the same thing a second time when my attorney is talking about sending me to a Psychiatric Correctional Facility and then comes back up. I find this strange as my attorney is standing in the same spot/place when this occurs. Note: when I picked this video up at the Court Media Room this is how the audio was on the video and cannot be corrected, I find this suspicious. Also, when I went to pick up the video for the April 9, 2013 date, I was told twice that it did not burn and finally a week later I was told that they forgot to record on that date. I find this also suspicious because very crucial and damaging evidence was stated by the Judge on that date. 1) When I stated there was not crimanal complaint in the case, I was told the citations were the criminal complaint. 2) When I told the judge that I filed a "Motion to Dismiss due to Lack of Probable Cause" and a "Motion to Dismiss Due to Lack of Due Process" and inquired about the Lack of Due Process Motion he stated that he denied it and I told him that he Denied the Lack of Probable Cause which was filed on a different date. The Judge then stated that the Motion were the same and he already denied it, however I am aware that they are NOT the same. Every motion that I have filed the judge has denied. I have also now been coming back and forth to court each Wednesday without missing a day for almost a year to report in as I am still considered in custody. I ask the judge if I could be released on my own recognizance and he stated that was denied, though I have no criminal record, I am a property owner, I have shown up for ALL Court Dates and appointments for almost a year and the Louisville Metro Police have Never show up for court.
******************************************************** My concerns regarding my Attorney are the following: 1. When the local newspapers and TV did the story of what occurred incorrectly making me look as if I committed a crime and "The Examiner" Online Newspaper wanted to talk to him to get my side he would not call them. I gave the clearance because the true story is on my website with multitudes of evidence (audios, videos, pics, etc). 2. I ask my Attorney to file a Motion to Dismiss the Case Due to Lack of Probable Cause and he would not. I pointed out to my Attorney that the Police had never been to court and I filed a Motion to Dismiss and he would not put my motions on the docket. 3. Though the police are not present on one of the court dates my attorney is telling the judge the police officer is present, though he is not. 4. My attorney appears to be overly involved in trying to get me sent to KCPC ( a Correctional Psychiatric hospital for a psychiatric evaluation (see Part 3 hrg. 1), etc. **********************************************************************
Police Miss Court - March 27, 2013 Part 4 of 14 Cover-up
Police No Show for Court on 06/29/12, 07/09/12, 07/26/12, 09/14/12, 11/14/12, 01/29/13, 03/22/13 I am trying to find a new Attorney, as every Motion that I file in the case is Denied by the Judge. I filed the following: "Motion to Dismss Due to Lack of Probable Cause" "Motion to Dismiss as the Witnesses (Louisville Metro Police) for the Commonweath have Never Appeared Before the Court to Charge the Defendant with Any Offenses" "Motion for Restraining Order Against the Police" "Motion to Dismiss Due to Lack of Due Process" All of my Motions were Denied by the Judge. I even tried to file warrants against the police with the County Attorney's Office and was Denied though I have filed a multitude of videos, audios, pictures, etc. of me being tormented by the police.
Ms. Marshall states to please note that the Case History Does Not List all of the Pleadings that she filed in the Case And Also Does Not list the two (2) Amicus Curiae Notices Filed in the Case by Daniel Cobble who was also being tormented by the Louisville Metro Police Dept. (LMPD), (Amicus Curiaes filed in case on 7/26/12 & 9/13/12)
On July 6, 2012, I revisited the Emergency Room due to extreme chest pain, back pain, side pain and arm pain. I was told that I have a chest wall contusion and that I would need to get an MRI for the popping in my arm. I was not given any info. on my back and side, but was told to visit a clinic.
*After Revisiting U of L Hospital on July 6, 2012, I went back on July 11, 2012 to get my XRays, CT Scan and additional reports. The following was stated in paragraph one of the report: "The Heart appears slightly enlarged but unchanged since prior study." Note: prior study was on June 26, 2012 when the police assaulted me and stomped on the left side of my back. Paragraph one also states, "There is compression deformity of several upper thorarcic vertebra." Paragraph two states the following: Impression: "Mild Cardiac Enlargement"
I will soon be adding my Xrays which shows the chest wall contusion and other injuries.
"Note: There are scars and scratches on my, leg, arm, upper thigh and back that were not photographed" *Current Medical Status: Still experiencing pains in chest, side, back and popping noises in left arm. Also on June 12, 2012 I begin experiencing popping noises in my neck on the right side. I was pulled out of my car by my left arm, slammed on the ground and stomped on on the upper left side of my back by the Louisville Metro Police Dept.
On June 26, 2012, I left my home briefly to drop my grandson off downtown. A couple of days earlier I spoke with Louisville Gas and Electric Company regarding the Smart Meters that they have been installing at my home and made a request to have it taken off of my home. I am currently receiving Social Security Disability for "Frequency Devices and Neurological problems,"therefore a Smart Meter is a hazard to my health. Also, I have never given permission for LG&E to install this "Surveillance" Meter on my home. For the record in 2010 LG&E came to my home while I was away and left a hanging tag that stated they were at my home and had my service off for about 15 minutes and I had not requested a service call. When I arrived home from work I begin having Extreme Muscle spasms and Extreme Sleep Deprivation so severe that I lost my job due to lack of sleep.
On June 26, 2012 LG&E was again at my property and I went to the meter and saw a very wide black item behind the Smart Meter that they previously installed. I ask them what it was and I was told that it was a Recorder and that they wanted to leave it on my house for a week to find out why the meter was not working properly. For the record the problems that I reported was electrical appliances overheating, extreme muscle spasms and damaged property. I also stated that I feared that they were going to catch my house on fire with the extreme amounts of heat that they were daily sending through my outlets, and I do fear that the wiring in my home has been destroyed by these excessive amouts of heat aimed at my home. Due to the fact that I told them to remove the Smart Meter and to install the Analog Meter it appeared to me that they were using my home as a test site by installing a Recorder when I requested by telephone that they remove the Smart Meter. About a week before I reported to LG&E a damaged computer laptop battery, a damaged desktop computer, a damaged internet modem and two damaged cell phone batteries, all destroyed by excessive heat directed to my home. for more information regarding damaged property see page on the Website entitled, "DEW/Electric Property Damage," also see Connie Marshall's Journal.
I ask the LG&E Representative's that were on my property for their ID and their names and one of them told me his name was Massey. When I heard his name and I looked at him, I remembered having a previous problem with him and Jerry Belcher, his Supervisor, however I did not tell him that I knew who he was, see page on this website regarding Oct. 12, 2010 entitled, "Louisville Gas & Electric" regarding Jerry Belcher" also note on Oct. 12, 2010 LG&E stated that they did not send these LG&E workers to my home. Also see page on this website entitled, "Electromagnetic Office" regarding Mike Massey and note that under 5th date entitled, "Sometime in March 2010" he brought a female and male with him to my home whom LG&E stated they did not know who these people were. Also on May 24, 2010 Massey was back on my property supposedly performing an Electromagnetic Test in my home, though he was not the person that was supposed to be dispatched to my home to perform the test. I ask the other LG&E Representative with Massey on June 26, 2012 for his name and I.D. and he stated, "I left my I.D. at home. I then ask him for his last name and he stated that he was not giving it to me. I found this strange because Utility Workers are supposed to provide the customer with proof that they are truly with the company that they are representing.
Below are pictures of the LG&E Representatives that were at my home on June 26, 2012
This Louisville Gas & Electric Worker stated he left his I.D. at home and would not give his last name
This Louisville Gas & Electric Worker stated he left his I.D. at home and would not give his last name
This Louisville Gas & Electric Worker is Massey
LG&E Worker - Massey's I.D. - Click on Image to Enlarge
LG&E Worker Massey & Unknown Person with no I.D. that refused to give his name
Below are pictures of the Smart Meter and the Recorder Note: The solid black device behind the Meter is the Recorder
The gray box behind the Smart Meter is the Recorder
The Gray Box is behind the black ring and the Gray box is the Recorder
These are the numbers on the Gray Recorder
I called Metro Call and the Chief's Office several times requesting a Civilian Reporting Unit, because I have been tortured and tormented by the Louisville Metro Police, particualarly the 2nd Division and the 1st Division for several years. I waited a few hours and a Civillian Reporting Unit did not show up, however Officer Priddy showed up and he is a police officer that I have been continuosly been tormented by, see page on this Website entitled "Police Videos & Pics." I told him that I did not want to speak with him and he laughed and left. The following pictures are pictures of his car.
LMPD - Officer Priddy's Police Car
Click on Image to Enlarge - Officer Priddy's Car
LMPD - Officer Priddy's Police Car
At approximately 3:30 p.m. I went to the Louisville Metro Police Department's Headquarters to file a complaint regarding the LG&E Representative working on my property with no I.D. and refusing to give me his last name. When I arrived at the LMPD Headquarters a Police Officer came out and I do not remember his name, but he may have stated Chandler. The Police Officer took my report and other officers started milling around as if they had been waiting for me. I think I saw approximately five or six police officers standing around. After he Police Officer (Chandler, not sure of name) took my report on a legal pad, I ask him for the report number. He stated that he was not going to give me a report number. I told him that I wanted to talk to the Chief and he stated, "I'm about as high as you are going to go." I then told the clerk that I wanted to speak to the Chief and the officers told me that I was not going to. I was then told that I was being disruptive and that I had to leave. Officer B. Hogan became aggressive when I stated that I was going to report them to Professional Standards and he put his hand on me and told me to leave as I was going down the steps. B. Hogan followed me out and when we got outside he said, "You're going to jail." I said, "For what, I haven't done anything?" B. Hogan started toward me and I got in my car, I then stated, "You can kiss my ass," because I have been tormented by the police for years and no one will do anything to discipline them. Fearing for my life due to the extreme amout of corruption in the Louisville Metro Police, I pulled out and he was behind my car (I was not trying to run over him or back into him and I did not do either). B. Hogan jumped in his car and started chasing me and turned on the siren. I feared for my life due to the corruption and kept going, I was not speeding, however he could not catch up to me because traffic was heavy. I then saw several other police cars following me. At no time did I drag a police officer or even try to hit a police officer. I came to a stop at 1st and Broadway and B. Hogan was bamming on my window stating, I'll break out the dam window get out of this car." I opened the door to get out and was trying to get the keys out of the ignition and I was yanked out of the car by my left arm slammed on the ground and someone was stomping on my back, while someone else was twisting my wrist extremely tight. My chin was scratched, legs scratched, arms scratched and my back and head were in extreme pain. I was sat on the curb for display and then thrown in the back of a hot police car while they waited for the ambulance to come to take me to the hospital. I am currently experiencing pain on my left side, my back where I was stomped on and my chest cavity around my heart and I can hear a popping noise when I move my arm. When I ask what I was charged with when he started following me B. Hogan stated, "You were disruptive." I stated that is not true and you all have cameras at the police dept. that will prove that I was not disruptive. B. Hogan then stated that I tried to hit him with my car outside the police dept. and I told him that also was not true and there should be cameras outside the police dept. The next thing I know I was reading in the paper that I was charged with dragging a police officer and that the officer did not get hurt. These are all lies told by the Louisville Metro Police Dept. to coverup what they have been doing and what they did on June 26, 2012.
*To be continued*
*Coming Soon - Much Much More* Corrupt Officials in my town involved in and/or creating the infrastructure for these crimes state, "We have been told not to assist you," and I have also been told by Police Officer, Danny Lawless that no one is going to assist me because I am "Redlined." Danny Lawless also spreaded rumors regarding my health, (see police reports and my Journal) I wonder if Danny Lawless, Louisville Metro Police Officer is related to Jo Lawless, Assistant United States Attorney, Louisville, Kentucky, and is Barbara Huber, Manager or Supervisor with Insight Communications (My Telephone, Internet and Cable were intercepted for years and then turned off even though my bill was paid because I kept asking for assistance) is related to David Huber(Previous United States Attorney, Louisville, Kentucky) who stepped down and retired, as I did not receive any assistance from this office (see "Officials Denying Assistance," "Officials Direct Quotes," "Is this Nepotism," "Harassing Communications," "My Journal pages regarding "Insight Communications, etc.