"Spectrum says interference, signals bouncing around & out of Spectrum Range"
Louisville Gas & Electric say on March 25, 2014 & January 7, 2015 it is their fault, but have continuously refused to replace damaged properties, and has never conducted an investigation.
Directed Energy - Louisville Gas & Electric/Electric Problem their fault-Connie Marshall -Pt 1 of 9
Although Louisville Gas and Electric stated the Electrical Problem on January 7, 2015 was their fault, there was no investigation. I have never had an investigation regarding over forty five (45) complaints of damaged property by me to their office. I always receive a form letter denying any responsibility for any of the damaged properties.
PROOF OF ATTACKSBY DIRECTED ENERGY MARCH 25, 2014 Approx. 6:00 a.m. Part 1 of 3
I received a voice mail message from Jerry Belcher, of LG&E (Louisville Gas and Electric Company) stating that someone called and said lights in my mother's home (my home as my mother has been deceased since 2006) are going off and on. I did not call as I was sleep at 6:00 a.m., but was being attacked by directed energy as I felt pulses and was having severe muscle spasms. I also remember an induced pornographic dream while I was being sexually assaulted as these criminals also rape you etc. with this technology. Also suspect, "How does Jerry Belcher with LG&E know thatI live in my mother's home, as she has been deceased since 2006 and her last name is not the same as mine." "Further my LG&E bill has been in my name since 2006 and I did not move in my mother's house until after she died."
PROOF OF ATTACKS BY DIRECTED ENERGY March 25, 2014 Approx. 9:00 a.m. Part 2 of 3
Jerry Belcher stated that the person called from my telephone number. I explained to Jerry Belcher that I did not call, but I have had ongoing problems with my service. Jerry stated that the call came in today, March 25, 2014 and further stated that another call came in yesterday or the day before. He discussed this with a coworker named Jason while I was on the telephone with him. He then stated the call came through Customer Service, and I told him that I would call them.
PROOF OF ATTACKS BY DIRECTED ENERGY MARCH 25, 2014 Approx. 9:42 a.m. Part 3 of 3
I called LG&E Customer Service and spoke with Stacy. She stated that someone called at 6:14 a.m. on March 25, 2014 and stated that my service was on, but lights were flickering. Whoever called said the Electrician advised them that it was LG&E's line causing the flickering.
Connie Marshall Harassed with Electronic Frequencies Intercepting Radio July 3, 2014 - 1:07 a.m.
Connie Marshall daily electronic harassment There is "NO REMOTE" as it was accidentally thrown away two (2) years ago. Also see the page on my website entitled, "LG&E Property Damage," for actual copies of damage reports submitted to LG&E over the years re: numerous electrical properties destroyed. I have never been reimbursed for any of my losses, nor has LG&E ever come to investigate. They just send me a letter stating that they are not responsible. I have also seen Drones/UAV's & Satellites around my home when this damage is occurring. I have also been physically attacked as have my family members, friends visiting, pets (2 small poodles), my cars have been damaged, the garage light, the house, etc.
August 23, 2014 Audio Calling me a Slave/Robot & Telling me that they are moving my hands and arm
On August 23, 2014 at approx. 11:30 p.m. I was listening to the Freedom From Covert Harassment Conference Call. I fell asleep & woke up suddenly because my hands & arms were moving involuntarily. Immediately after that I received two (2) text/voice mail message calls stating that they are moving my arms & hands & that I am a "Slave/Robot." Immediately after that message I received a text/voice mail message from someone named Kelly stating she was being sexually assaulted electronically & she did not know what to do. Both calls came from 516-473-1982. This may be someones manipulated tele number. I am not going to call this number today, because I do not want to jeopardize this evidence. Again this is more proof of Electromagnetic Torture.
CONNIE BEATEN AND ARRESTED (Scroll down to Smart meters and LG&E on page)
ELECTROMAGNETIC OFFICE (See paragraph regarding meter reading in Livingroom)
CONNIE MARSHALL'S JOURNAL (Regarding assault by directed energy and damaged property)
*Coming Soon - Much Much More* Corrupt Officials in my town involved in and/or creating the infrastructure for these crimes state, "We have been told not to assist you," and I have also been told by Police Officer, Danny Lawless that no one is going to assist me because I am "Redlined." Danny Lawless also spreaded rumors regarding my health, (see police reports and my Journal) I wonder if Danny Lawless, Louisville Metro Police Officer is related to Jo Lawless, Assistant United States Attorney, Louisville, Kentucky, and is Barbara Huber, Manager or Supervisor with Insight Communications (My Telephone, Internet and Cable were intercepted for years and then turned off even though my bill was paid because I kept asking for assistance) is related to David Huber(Previous United States Attorney, Louisville, Kentucky) who stepped down and retired, as I did not receive any assistance from this office (see "Officials Denying Assistance," "Officials Direct Quotes," "Is this Nepotism," "Harassing Communications," "My Journal pages regarding "Insight Communications, etc.